Magically Simple Portfolios For Students

Free. Beautiful. 10x Faster with AI.
Find your dream job.
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What fellow students are saying.

Elise Thuresson

Literature, CMC

"With Muse I've been able to put all of my information in a cool, easy to use format that showcases my writing, interviews, and more and it's really helped me stand out."

Feb 4, 2023
Agaaz Oberoi

Computer Science, NYU

"I can show all my academic and data analysis projects while also getting a chance to showcase my hobbies like photography all under one profile. Muse is the best."

Feb 2, 2023
Liam Podos

Film, NYU

"What excites me about Muse is the opportunity to show not just my finished film but also what went into that project. Which presents a much more holistic view of how I work."

Feb 2, 2023
Shaira Busnawi

Philosophy, Politics & Econ, CMC

"This platform is game changing. It’s been super fun to design a page that you are really proud of. It's really something I want to show to my employers, friends, and family."

Feb 2, 2023

Create an amazing student portfolio.

What can Muse do for students?

In short, get accepted into their dream job, internship, or college.

10 minutes to build.

Drag & drop your way to a polished site in minutes.

Free to use.

Design, build and publish your minisites free forever.

Earn money.

Your content is valuable. Let your followers subscribe.

Public or private.

Share your ideas with the world or a select group.

Show all of you.

From academics to extracurriculars to social, show it all.

Display your work.

Use simple blocks to share projects, code, design and more.

Custom applications.

Make custom portfolios for each place you apply.

And more...

Besides portfolios, make pages for projects, photos, and more.
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